Saturday, September 15, 2012

Trials and tribulations

This week was a little tough.  On Monday while doing an easy run with Bri I took a bad step with my bad foot and had a re-injury of a stress fracture of my 5th metatarsal.  It is not as bad as when I originally injured it, but I am just going to take 8 weeks off completely from running so it heals well.  So, that is it for the triathlon season, and my run season won't get restarted until November at the earliest. 

It is frustrating because this is a very nice time of year to be out and about running.  Cool but not cold.  This accident also occurred about 24 hours after Bri and I had a big chat about getting motivated for some more serious efforts at racing performance in 2013.

Anyway, I will be swimming and biking lots to make up for it.

In other news, the XC high school season is going well and the team is enjoying the season.  Today they participated in the Adidas XC Challenge.  I brought Junior to hang out with them while Bri was winning a 5k race.  She came over to help us out after she earned us some more horse racing dough. 

Had a nice family reunion the past weekend, I have a few pics but uploading those will have to wait.

Hope you all are groovy.

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