Starting tonight I will be running regularly at 6PM on Wednesday nights from Inside Out Sports for a friendly group run. The route will start as a 5k through Preston at a conversational pace, if the group grows we can add miles and/or include some tempo running.
The TAC-OSB Master's team is doing well and growing. The addition of evening practice times has brought in a bunch of new faces and the morning crew is solid. Next week I am going to extend the morning practice times on Monday and Wednesday to 1 hour 15 instead of one hour. Our current practice schedule is:
Monday Wednesday Friday 6-7 AM
Monday Tuesday Thursday 730-845 PM
Fees are $50 per month or $6.25 per drop in.
I'm planning to run the Anna's Angels 10 miler in Durham on Sunday, September 28.
And now, here are some cool pics of our vacation in St Pete with my sis, bro-in-law, niece, Dad, and his wife Lilian.
Little 10 month old Cate likes the beach:
Dinner with the gang at Snapper's:
Group hug on the beach:
I like the beach but could have used my sunglasses!
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