Friday, December 3, 2010

Old School Aquathon Series

I was sitting around a couple of months ago with some free time on my hands, and had an idea to keep myself gainfully employed: Mid-week training races.  There are a few of these around in different areas of the country, but none here.

Thus the Old School Aquathon Series was born.  This will consist of three swim-run races on the first Wednesday of each month in June, July, and August.

We're still determining the location of one #2 but they all take place in the Triangle area.

These will be low key and low cost - meant to be fun training/racing events to break up the week with something different.

Read all the details here:

Let me know if you'd like to be a part of it as a sponsor or volunteer.


Steve said...

That is a great idea. Should have it end near a bar so those interested could have a beer or two after. Perfect way to break up the week.

runningyankee said...

awesome. count me in to help out.

Anonymous said...

Like it!