Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday 4,500 yard distance swim

I made it to the pool for another solo workout today.  This one is good for long distance type triathletes coming off a leg busting weekend.  I didn't bust my legs but still am working on longer swims (2x per week instead of 3 shorter).

warm up: 1000 easy mix (stroke, drills, etc)
200 kick

main set:
1 x 1000 paddles moderate
50 easy kick
30 second rest
10 x 100 pull buoy moderate-hard :10 rest
50 easy kick
30 second rest
1 x 1000 paddles. this could be moderate to hard depending on your fitness.  I did it moderate-hard.
100 easy kick

cooldown: 100 easy swim

4,500 total.

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