Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Words Junior can say at 14 months

Before I forget forever here is a list of words Junior can say with definitive meaning, and roughly the month or so he was saying it.

Da - 8 months or so
Dadadadadada - What's that what's this look at this what's that I pooped etc - 8 months
Hi - 9 months a few times then none until 12 months or so
Ma - 10/11 months I think
Mama - 12 months
Da? - What's that - 12 months
Tah - Tassie - 11/12 months
Bah - Banana - 13 months
Bahma - Banana - 14 months
Baw - Ball - 13 months
Mah - Milk - 12 months
Meel - Milk - 13/14 months
Baa-bye - 13 months
Uh-oh - 13.5 months
Dawk - dog - 14 months

Baby tricks:
High 5 - 10 months
Where's your belly button? - 12 months
Where's your ear? - 13 months
Pound it (fist bump) - 14 months
Baby crying fits  - 13 months
Picking out his own shoes for the day - 14 months

Fighting crime in a superhero outfit- 14 months

We are having fun. :)

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